If you need to get more detailed information about the role of the delegate in 3GPP meetings, this is the place to start.
Any 3GPP Individual Member or Partner organization can make a contribution to a 3GPP meeting. Have a look at the tools below and use the 'Delegates FAQs' to find responses to some of the most asked questions by delegates. We have mailboxes for direct questions too, via 'Contact us'.
Recommended Pages

This slideset is a Quick-start for newcomers to the project and those in need of a refresher course on a variety of topics.
The presentation looks at the key areas of:
- What the 3rd Generation Partnership Project is
- What the 3GPP 'Outputs' are
- Details on the structure of the groups
- How to contribute to the work

The Mobile Competence Centre (MCC) provides support to the 3GPP. The support team is an integrated unit of people comprising of support Officers, Assistants and Contracted Experts.