Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 24.008 : Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
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870099 Rel-19
960055 5GProtoc18 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 18 Rel-18
960007 - Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 18 general aspects Rel-18
960056 5GProtoc18-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 18 non 3GPP aspects Rel-18
960057 SAES18 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel-18
960008 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development general Rel-18
960058 SAES18-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development CSFB Rel-18
960059 SAES18-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development non 3GPP Rel-18
910065 eNPN Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks Rel-17
910016 - CT aspects of eNPN Rel-17
810049 ID_UAS Remote Identification of Uncrewed Aerial Systems Rel-17
910017 - CT aspects for ID_UAS Rel-17
911030 5GSAT_ARCH-CT CT aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks Rel-17
890005 - CT1 aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks Rel-17
920057 - CT3 aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks Rel-17
911031 - CT4 aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks Rel-17
940001 - CT1 aspects of NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS Rel-17
970049 - CT3 aspects of NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS Rel-17
950045 - CT4 aspects of NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS Rel-17
950046 - CT6 aspects of NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS Rel-17
910048 eEDGE_5GC Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network Rel-17
910049 - CT1 aspects of 5G eEDGE Rel-17
890070 PAP_CHAP PAP/CHAP protocols usage in 5GS Rel-17
880019 5GProtoc17 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 Rel-17
880045 5GProtoc17-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 non-IETF aspects Rel-17
880021 SAES17 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel-17
880046 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development general aspects Rel-17
880047 SAES17-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development CSFB aspects Rel-17
880048 SAES17-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development non 3GPP aspects Rel-17
940004 MuDTran Multi-device enhancements for device transfers Rel-17
900062 NR_redcap Support of reduced capability NR devices Rel-17
900162 NR_redcap-Core Core part: NR_redcap Rel-17
930018 ARCH_NR_REDCAP Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices Rel-17
940005 - CT1 aspects of NR_redcap Rel-17
950047 - CT3 aspects of NR_redcap Rel-17
911032 FS_eIMS5G2 Study on enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration Phase 2 Rel-17
830042 Vertical_LAN 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services Rel-16
830043 5G_CIoT Cellular IoT support and evolution for the 5G System Rel-16
830050 5WWC Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture Rel-16
810044 MuD Multi-device and multi-identity Rel-16
760003 PARLOS Provision of Access to Restricted Local Operator Services by Unauthenticated UEs Rel-16
830062 - CT1 aspects of PARLOS Rel-16
820044 ATSSS Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture Rel-16
810041 5G_SRVCC Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G Rel-16
840058 - CT1 aspect of 5G_SRVCC Rel-16
780029 FS_eIMS5G Study on Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration Rel-16
820039 SINE_5G Signalling Improvements for Network Efficiency in 5GS Rel-16
870078 5GProtoc16 (IETF) Location Source Parameter for the SIP Geolocation Header Field (draft-ietf-sipcore-locparam) Rel-16
820041 - Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development Rel-16
820049 - Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development general aspects Rel-16
820042 SAES16 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 Rel-16
820046 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 general aspects Rel-16
820050 5GProtoc16-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-16
820047 SAES16-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-16
820048 SAES16-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel16 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-16
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
750025 5GS_Ph1-CT CT aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
750026 - Studies on CT1 aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
780008 - CT1 aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 (normative work) Rel-15
750035 EDCE5 EPC enhancements to support 5G New Radio via Dual Connectivity Rel-15
760001 EDCE5-CT CT aspects of EDCE5 Rel-15
790026 - CT1 aspects of bSRVCC_MT Rel-15
750007 MONASTERY Mobile Communication System for Railways Rel-15
760030 PS_DATA_OFF2 PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
760031 PS_DATA_OFF2-CT Stage 3 of PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
760032 - CT1 aspects of PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
760016 SAES6 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 6 Rel-15
760017 SAES6-CSFB SAES6 CS Fallback in EPS Rel-15
760018 SAES6-non3GPP SAES6 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-15
740046 - Stopped - CT1 aspects of LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15
710023 NonIP_GPRS Non-IP for Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) for 2G/3G-GPRS(EC-EGPRS) Rel-14
710025 NonIP_GPRS-CT CT aspects for Non-IP for Cellular Internet of Things for EC-EGPRS Rel-14
710026 - CT1 aspects for Non-IP for Cellular Internet of Things for EC-EGPRS Rel-14
730359 CIoT_Ext Extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things Rel-14
680020 - CT1 aspects of IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
740038 CIoT_Ext-CT Stage 3 of extended architecture enhancements for Cellular Internet of Things Rel-14
740039 - CT1 aspects of extended architecture enhancements for Cellular Internet of Things Rel-14
720006 eDecor Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks selection mechanism Rel-14
730013 eDecor-CT CT aspects of eDecor Rel-14
730014 - CT1 aspects of eDecor Rel-14
720019 SEW2 Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLAN Rel-14
730017 SEW2-CT CT aspects of SEW2 Rel-14
700020 EIEI Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
710020 EIEI-CT CT aspects of evolution to and interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
740050 - CT1 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14
720080 PS_Data_Off PS Data Off Services Rel-14
740041 PS_DATA_OFF-CT Stage 3 of PS Data Off Rel-14
740042 - CT1 aspects of PS Data Off Rel-14
710017 SAES5 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 5 Rel-14
710018 SAES5-CSFB SAES5 CS Fallback in EPS Rel-14
710019 SAES5-non3GPP SAES5 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-14
721003 ePOS_GERAN Positioning Enhancements for GERAN Rel-14
721103 ePOS_GERAN-Core Core part: Positioning Enhancements for GERAN Rel-14
640052 ACDC Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication Rel-13
660039 ACDC-CT Stage 3 for Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication Rel-13
640047 NBIFOM IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
680019 NBIFOM-CT CT aspects of IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
660139 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication Rel-13
670017 - CT1 aspects of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched Networks Rel-13
660028 PCSCF_RES_WLAN P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
660041 - CT1 aspects of P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
660016 SAES4 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 4 Rel-13
670038 SAES4-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS - Phase 4 Rel-13
670013 RISE Retry restriction for Improving System Efficiency Rel-13
700012 CIoT Cellular (Narrowband) Internet of Things Rel-13
700013 CIoT-CT CT aspects of CIoT Rel-13
700014 - CT1 aspects of CIoT Rel-13
690006 CIoT_EC_GSM Extended Coverage GSM (EC-GSM) for support of Cellular Internet of Things Rel-13
690005 eDRX Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption Rel-13
690045 EASE_EC_GSM EGPRS Access Security Enhancements in relation to Cellular IoT Rel-13
640050 GROUPE Group based Enhancements Rel-13
680016 GROUPE-CT CT aspects of Group based Enhancements Rel-13
680028 - CT1 aspects of Group based Enhancements Rel-13
640049 MONTE Monitoring Enhancements Rel-13
680011 MONTE-CT Monitoring Enhancements CT aspects Rel-13
680025 - CT1 aspects of Monitoring Enhancements Rel-13
640046 DECOR Dedicated Core Networks Rel-13
690004 DECOR-CT CT aspects of Dedicated Core Networks Rel-13
690014 - CT1 aspects for Dedicated Core Networks CT aspects Rel-13
699999 DUMMY Awaiting formal work item Rel-13
500028 LIMONET LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
500328 LIMONET-SIPTO BB1: SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
530215 LIMONET-SIPTO-CT1 CT1 part of Stage 3 CN aspects of SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
530116 LIMONET-LIPA-del3 Deleted - CT1 part of CN aspects of LIPA Mobility Rel-12
560020 GCSE_LTE Group Communication System Enablers for LTE Rel-12
640010 GCSE_LTE-CT CT aspects of Group Communication System Enablers for LTE Rel-12
560022 MTCe Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications enhancements Rel-12
560722 MTCe-SA3TR TR on Security aspects of Machine-Type Communications Rel-12
560322 MTCe-UEPCOP BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
620007 MTCe-UEPCOP-CT Stage 3 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
620107 MTCe-UEPCOP-CT1 CT1 part of Stage 3 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
580012 bSRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringing (Stage 3) Rel-12
580112 - CT1 part of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringing Rel-12
580016 SAES3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 3 Rel-12
580017 SAES3-CT1 SAE Protocol Development (Stage 3) - Phase 3 Rel-12
580018 SAES3-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS - Phase 3 Rel-12
580019 SAES3-non3GPP SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses - Phase 3 Rel-12
610004 PCSCF_RES Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) restoration enhancements (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
640014 - CT1 part of Common for HSS & PCRF solutions Rel-12
620006 SINE Signalling Improvements for Network Efficiency (Stage 3) Rel-12
530002 RT_ERGSM Introduction of ER-GSM band for GSM-R Rel-12
530202 - CT1 part of Introduction of ER-GSM band for GSM-R Rel-12
570002 DMCG Downlink Multi Carrier GERAN Rel-12
570202 - CT part: Downlink Multi Carrier GERAN Rel-12
590033 MSRD_VAMOS Mobile Station Receive Diversity (MSRD) for Voice Services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot (VAMOS) Rel-12
590333 - CT1 introduction of MS capability support for MS supporting MSRD for VAMOS Rel-12
620014 NewToN New Training Sequence Codes (TSC) for GERAN Rel-12
620314 - CT1 part of New Training Sequence Codes (TSC) for GERAN (Stage 3) Rel-12
620048 UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Rel-12
640006 UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-CT CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
640106 - CT1 part of CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 3) Rel-12
480030 SIMTC System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
520021 SIMTC-Reach BB1: Stage 2 Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
530106 - CT1 part of Stage 3 BB1: Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
530005 SIMTC-CS Stage 2/3 for CS aspects for SIMTC Rel-11
530305 - CT1 part of Stage 3 CS aspects for SIMTC Rel-11
560002 SIMTC-PS_Only Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscription Rel-11
560102 - CT1 part of Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscription Rel-11
530009 SIMTC-RAN_OC RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
530309 - CT1 part of Stage 3 Extended Access Barring for UTRAN and E-UTRAN Rel-11
530207 - Deleted - CT1 part of Stage 3 Signalling Optimizations of SIMTC Rel-11
500026 vSRVCC Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS Rel-11
520005 vSRVCC-CT CN aspects of Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS Rel-11
520105 - CT1 aspects of Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS Rel-11
530001 rSRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA Rel-11
530108 - Deleted - CT1 part of Stage 3 CN-based requirements and Power Considerations of SIMTC Rel-11
530201 rSRVCC-CT CT aspects for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (Stage 3) Rel-11
530301 - CT1 part for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA Rel-11
530046 SaMOG_WLAN S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
540011 SaMOG_WLAN-CN CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
530019 SAES2 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 2 Rel-11
530119 - SAE Protocol Development (Stage 3) - Phase 2 Rel-11
530219 SAES2-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS - Phase 2 Rel-11
510001 Full_MOCN-GERAN Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Rel-11
510301 - CN Stage 3 for Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Rel-11
510401 - CT1 part of CN Stage 3 for Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Rel-11
550023 GDSAC Domain Specific Access Control in GERAN Rel-11
410041 FS_eIMS Study on IMS Evolution Rel-11
390073 eMPS Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service Rel-10
490008 eMPS-CN Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service Rel-10
490308 - CT1 part on Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service Rel-10
410030 NIMTC Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
480105 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
450238 LIPA Stage 2/3 for Local IP Access Rel-10
480208 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for Local IP Access Rel-10
450038 SIPTO Stage 2/3 for SIPTO for macro networks Rel-10
450138 - Stage 2 for SIPTO for macro networks Rel-10
480207 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for SIPTO for macro networks Rel-10
450041 IFOM IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
480009 IFOM-CT Stage 3 for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
480109 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
500011 aSRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) in alerting phase (Stage 3) Rel-10
500111 - CT aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) in alerting phase (Stage 3) Rel-10
480002 TIGHTER Tightened Link Level Performance Requirements for Single Antenna MS Rel-10
480102 - CT1 part for TIGHTER Rel-10
490001 MOCN-GERAN Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Rel-10
490201 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Rel-10
350014 RED Deleted - Registration in Densely-populated area (RED) Rel-10
400035 EHNB Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB Rel-9
400047 - Stage 1 for EHNB Rel-9
410026 - Architecture aspects of EHNB Rel-9
450003 EHNB-CT1 CT1 aspects - Support of Home NB and Home eNB enhancements Rel-9
440001 EHNB-GERAN Home NB and Home eNB enhancements - GERAN aspects Rel-9
410032 IMS_SCC IMS Services Centralization and Continuity Rel-9
410134 IMS_SCC-SPI Stage 2/3 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy and Interactions Rel-9
380064 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
410036 - Stage 1 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
410037 - Stage 2 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440035 - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440036 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC1 CT1 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440037 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC3 CT3 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440038 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC4 CT4 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
410038 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) support for IMS Emergency Calls Rel-9
440027 - CT1 aspects of SRVCC support for IMS Emergency Calls Rel-9
440057 A5/4-GEA4 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS Rel-9
440357 - CT1 part of 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS Rel-9
420027 TG Timed Graphics Rel-9
430013 - Rel-9 RAN improvements Rel-9
420002 VAMOS Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot Rel-9
420004 - Stage 3 for Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot Rel-9
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
340053 - Stage 3 for security aspects of LTE Access Rel-8
380031 - Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and 2G/3G Rel-8
380030 - Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and non 3GPP accesses Rel-8
350030 SAES-SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (SRVCC) Rel-8
410005 - Stage 3 for SRVCC in EPS Rel-8
390036 SAES-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8
400102 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8
360029 IMSProtoc2 IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment - phase 2 Rel-8
370049 IWLAN_Mob Mobility between 3GPP-WLAN Interworking and 3GPP Systems Rel-8
330005 EData eCall Data Transfer Rel-8
400014 - Transfer of data during an emergency call Rel-8
340029 CAT Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) service Rel-8
410010 CAT-3G_CS CAT Service in 3GPP CS domain Rel-8
410015 - CT1 part of CAT Service in 3GPP CS domain Rel-8
360032 PPACR Paging Permission with Access Control (PPACR) Rel-8
380017 PPACR-CT1 Stage 3 for PPACR (CT1) Rel-8
380065 HomeNB Home NodeB / eNodeB Rel-8
420019 - Support of Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) Rel-8
410012 HomeNB-LTE CSG and Idle Mode Mobility for LTE Home eNodeB Rel-8
410013 HomeNB-3G CSG and Idle Mode Mobility for 3G Home NodeB Rel-8
390033 HNB UTRA HNB Rel-8
380024 eMp Conferencing enhancements for Mp interface Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
50583 GELTE GERAN support for GERAN - 3G Long Term Evolution interworking Rel-8
53583 - CT1 part of GERAN support for GERAN - 3G Long Term Evolution interworking Rel-8
330007 BS30 Deleted -Enhancements to BS30 Bearer service for Videotelephony Rel-8
330016 FS_PPAC Study on Paging Permission with Access Control Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
32045 EMC1 PS domain and IMS impacts for supporting IMS Emergency calls (EMC1) Rel-7
1646 - CT1 PS domain aspects to support IMS Emergency sessions Rel-7
31063 CSICS Combinational Services Rel-7
11054 - Stage 3 for CSICS CN aspects Rel-7
11045 EVGCS Enhancements of VGCS for public authority officials Rel-7
11062 - CT1 aspects of EVGCS Rel-7
11063 - CT1 aspects of IVGCS Rel-7
31053 SDoUE Selective Disabling of UE Capabilities Rel-7
7041 NSP Network selection enhancements (NSP) Rel-7
320012 NSP-TS Stage 1 of NSP Rel-7
320013 NSP-CR Procedural aspects of NSP Rel-7
32064 ACBOP Access Class Barring and Overload Protection Rel-7
11048 - Stage 3 CN aspects of ACBOP Rel-7
32091 VCC Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) Rel-7
711052 IMSProtoc IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-7
14012 Mp Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Rel-7
50119 GSM710 Lower 700 MHz Inclusion in the GERAN Specifications Rel-7
51138 GSM710-core Inclusion of the 698 – 746 MHz band into GERAN core specifications Rel-7
50564 SCSAGB Support of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domain Rel-7
50565 TGSM810 Addition of new frequency band to GSM (T-GSM810) Rel-7
50566 TGSM810-Core Changes to core specification Rel-7
50569 MSRD2 Mobile Station Receive Diversity (DARP Phase II) Rel-7
50572 MSRD2-CapSig Capability signalling of Mobile Station Receive Diversity, DARP Phase II Rel-7
50579 GDCDL Downlink Dual Carrier Rel-7
52142 GDCDL-Stage3 Downlink Dual Carrier Stage 3 Rel-7
50582 LATRED Latency Reductions Rel-7
52147 GUGAN PS Handover between GERAN/UTRAN mode and GAN Mode Rel-7
50584 HUGE Higher Uplink performance for GERAN Evolution Rel-7
52149 HUGE-Layer23 Layer 2/3 Support for HUGE Rel-7
51145 REDHOT-Stage3 Stage 3 for REDHOT Rel-7
1571 SEC16 Rel-6 Security enhancements Rel-6
33019 SECGKYV Key Management of group keys for Voice Group Call Services Rel-6
32021 IMS2 IMS Phase 2 Rel-6
50121 REDHOT REduced symbol Duration, Higher Order modulation and Turbo coding (RED HOT) for downlink Rel-7
50063 FLOGER Flexible Layer One for GERAN Rel-6
2544 MBMS Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service Rel-6
33008 - Security aspects of MBMS Rel-6
31007 DSR Speech Enabled Services Based on Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR) Rel-6
31012 WLAN WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 Rel-6
31015 PRIOR1 Priority Service Rel-6
31018 NTShar Network Sharing Rel-6
11043 - Network sharing - stage 3 Rel-6
35010 OAM6 Rel-6 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) Rel-6
35016 CH Rel-6 Charging Management Rel-6
50600 MULTBF Multiple TBF in A/Gb mode Rel-6
50601 MULTBF-Agbmode Multiple TBF in A/Gb mode - Core Rel-6
50101 DARP Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance Rel-6
50109 PSintDTM Reduction of PS service interruption in Dual Transfer Mode Rel-6
50112 PSintDTM-Reduct Reduction of service interruption times and packet loss during Dual Transfer Mode and mobility procedures Rel-6
31046 CS_VSS Circuit Switched Video and Voice Service Improvements Rel-6
11053 - Switching between voice and video call - Redial solution Rel-6
50559 SPSHAGB Support of PS Handover for GERAN A/Gb mode Rel-6
2476 HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access Rel-5
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
1274 IMS-CCR Call control and roaming to support IMS in UMTS Rel-5
10004 - Main IETF dependencies Rel-5
2521 - IETF: RFC 3261 (Session Initiation Protocol) Rel-5
2523 - IETF: RFC 3262 (Reliability of provisional responses) Rel-5
2522 - IETF: RFC 3312 (Without COMET)(Integration of resource management and SIP) Rel-5
2524 - IETF: RFC 3323 (SIP extensions for caller identity and privacy) Rel-5
2525 - IETF: RFC 3313 (SIP extensions for media authorization) Rel-5
11000 - IETF: RFC 3265 (specific event notification) Rel-5
11001 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (refer method) Rel-5
11002 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (DHCP options for SIP servers) Rel-5
11004 - IETF: RFC 3267 (AMR and AMR WB RTP and SDP) Rel-5
11005 - IETF: RFC 3266 (IPv6 support within SDP) Rel-5
11022 - IETF: RFC 3311 (The Update method) Rel-5
11023 - IETF: RFC 3324 (Network Asserted Identity) Rel-5
11024 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (Various 3GPP Private Extensions) Rel-5
1290 - Addressing Rel-5
1291 - Architectural issues Rel-5
1292 - Impact on HSS Rel-5
1625 AMRWB Wideband Telephony Service - AMR Rel-5
1826 TLM5 Rel-5 Terminal interfaces Rel-5
1536 LCS1 Rel-5 Location Services enhancements Rel-5
2248 - N1 work for Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes Rel-5
2558 E2EQoS-IW E2E QoS interworking Rel-5
50033 EPC Enhanced Power Control Rel-5
13000 SCUDIF Service Change and UDI Fallback Rel-5
1541 TrFO Transcoder-Free Operation Rel-4
112 TrFO-OoBTC Out-of-Band Transcoder Control solution Rel-4
1657 - Codec Negotiation between UE and MSC Rel-4
2324 GEIMP4 GERAN improvements 4 (Delayed TBF) Rel-4
1222 LCRTDD Low Chip Rate TDD option Rel-4
1322 CSSPLIT Enable bearer independent CS architecture Rel-4
1631 TFO Tandem Free aspects for 3G and between 2G and 3G systems Rel-4
2230 ASCI4 Advanced Speech Call Items enhancements_Rel-4 Rel-4
2231 - Stages 2 and 3 on A interface Rel-4
2463 ODB Operator Determined Barring for Packet Oriented Services Rel-4
2546 QoSPS UMTS QoS Architecture for PS Domain Rel-4
400002 ETRAN Rel-4 Evolutions of the transport in the UTRAN Rel-4
1999 - Distinction in CS domain of emergency calls to different emergency types Rel-4
401826 TI Rel-4 Terminal interfaces Rel-4
1517 GTT Global Text Telephony Rel-4
60165 UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network R99
60121 LCS Location Services R99
60038 EMS Short Message Service enhancements / Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) R99
60123 MS_Classmark MS_Classmark R99
60057 Multicall MultiCall R99
60137 Security Security for UMTS and GSM Features R99
60184 DTM Dual Transfer Mode within GSM and GPRS R99
60027 - Dual Transfer Mode R99
60185 GPRSenhancements General Packet Radio Service enahancements R99
60132 GPRS General Packet Radio Service R99
60030 EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution R99
60035 EGPRS Enhanced GPRS - Phase 1 R99
60047 GSM_400 GSM_400 R99
60041 GERAN Deleted - GERAN R99
60192 LI Lawful Interception for GSM Features transposed to UMTS R99
60073 PR,Princs_&_Reqs_(PR) OAM Principles and High-level Requirements R99
60037 Emergency Emergency R99
60046 2G3Ginterworking GSM/UMTS interworking R99
60127 NITZ Network Identity and Timezone (NITZ) R99
60076 QoS End-to-end UMTS Quality of Service management R99
60077 QoS_enhancements QoS_enhancements R99
60099 TFOAMR Tandem Free Operation - Adaptive Multi-Rate codec types R99
60065 OoBT Out-of-Band Transcoder R99
60066 OoBTC Out-of-Band Transcoder Control R99
60143 ASCI Advanced Speech Call Items enhancements R99
60009 CC_Related_items Call Control improvements R99
60059 Multimedia Multimedia R99
60051 HS Harmonized Standard R99

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14