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3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 26.104

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F R99 3.0.0 3.1.0 AMR Core Frame bit ordering (AMR speech Codec; Floating point C-Code) SP-10 SP‑000577 approved S4 S4-13 S4‑000493 agreed 2000‑12‑04 Low_bit_rate_codec_for_MM_Tel. -
0002 - A Rel-4 3.0.0 4.0.0 AMR Core Frame bit ordering (AMR speech Codec; Floating point C-Code) SP-10 SP‑000577 approved S4 S4-13 S4‑000536 agreed 2000‑12‑04 Low_bit_rate_codec_for_MM_Tel. CR to create v. 4.0.0
0003 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Limiting predicted codebook gain computing in encoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010407R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0004 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Limiting predicted codebook gain computing in encoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010407R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0005 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction of decoder operation in error concealment of lost frames SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010408R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0006 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction of decoder operation in error concealment of lost frames SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010408R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0007 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction of mode state bug in AMR decoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010409R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0008 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction of mode state bug in AMR decoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010409R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0009 - - R99 - - Correction to make encoder and decoder memories independent SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010410 postponed - 0
0009 1 F R99 3.2.0 3.3.0 Correction to make encoder and decoder memories independent SP-13 SP‑010452 approved S4 S4-18 S4‑010410R agreed 2001‑09‑06 Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv -
0010 - - Rel-4 - - Correction to make encoder and decoder memories independent SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010410 postponed - 0
0010 1 A Rel-4 4.1.1 4.2.0 Correction to make encoder and decoder memories independent SP-13 SP‑010452 approved S4 S4-18 S4‑010410R agreed 2001‑09‑06 Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv -
0011 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction of decoder Reset SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010411R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0012 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction of decoder Reset SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010411R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0013 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction of comfort noise parameter interpolation bug of AMR decoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010412R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0014 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction of comfort noise parameter interpolation bug of AMR decoder SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010412R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0015 1 F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction of the TX_TYPE and RX_TYPE identifiers SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010413R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0016 1 A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction of the TX_TYPE and RX_TYPE identifiers SP-12 SP‑010306 approved S4 S4-17 S4‑010413R agreed 2001‑06‑08 Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service 0
0017 - F R99 3.2.0 3.3.0 Correction of decoder operation in error concealement of lost frames SP-13 SP‑010452 approved S4 S4-18 S4‑010502 agreed 2001‑09‑06 Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv -
0018 - A Rel-4 4.1.1 4.2.0 Correction of decoder operation in error concealement of lost frames SP-13 SP‑010452 approved S4 S4-18 S4‑010502 agreed 2001‑09‑06 Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv -
0019 - A Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Maintaining bit-exactness with TS 26.073 SP-15 SP‑020079 approved S4 S4-20 S4‑020058 agreed 2002‑02‑22 TEI 0
0020 - F R99 3.3.0 3.4.0 Maintaining bit-exactness with TS 26.073 SP-15 SP‑020079 approved S4 S4-20 S4‑020066 agreed 2002‑02‑22 TEI 0

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